September 19, 2013


I was multitasking on a conference call this morning and decided to make a pretty Fall printable.  This is a lovely quote from Emily Bronte (1818-1849), the English author who wrote Wuthering Heights.


September 17, 2013


My little guest bath, off of the family room and my office, has already had a makeover or two. The last one was revealed in November of last year. And while I still love the look and feel of the new room, the white sheers aren't very practical. 

To be honest, I had zero plans to change anything in there. But when I saw a cute shower curtain at Ross, I decided a little freshening nary hurt a loo.

Isn't it pretty? And the colors already match everything I have going on in there. White shelves, white paneling, and a yellow and gray canvas from Hobby Lobby.  You can see it here from the original reveal post.

I am spending this week deep cleaning that little bath, including caulking and touch-up paint... When it's complete, I will post some new photos! 

All this Fall cleaning is coming just in time - as I am hosting a baby shower on the 29th. I haven't had guests all summer, so I am looking forward to this! :D

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September 16, 2013

Remember when?

Remember the gal who was eager to move from one decorating season to the next? When she couldn't help but put all of her Fall decorations up... in July?! When she couldn't wait to share her Hobby Lobby finds and Goodwill makeovers? I think you are asking yourself the same question I am asking myself...

I think she bought a one-way ticket to FUNKland. A shame, huh? Thankfully, Miss Inspiration and Mrs. Motivation sought to provide some much needed therapy to this gal... and even purchased her a return ticket back to reality. 

Not that I have done anything to prove I am back... but I can tell you that I certainly felt inspired this morning. More than I have in well over 6-9 months. How did I do it? I clicked on a link on Facebook.

Do you read Finding Home? Laura has a beautiful blog, a breathtaking house, and a lovely personality. Her contributions to the online world are a fresh of breath air. And she runs this little thing call Finding Fall: Home Tours.

Her home was the first on the tour and I about passed out from all of the beauty. I did. This room is my favorite:

And that's all I am going to share here... I HIGHLY suggest you run over to Finding Home and checking out the rest of her sweet, sweet abode. And then all of the other houses on the tour.

As for me...? I am going to light my pumpkin spice candle, do some deep Fall cleaning and then pull out my seasonal decorating tubs.

Welcome back, lady! :D

September 11, 2013

Welcome back! Where've you been?

The URL is the same, but I am back on Blogger. It just makes me happy. Can't explain. I was able to load all posts from 2007 - 2012; however, I am in the process of loading 2013 posts from Wordpress. It may take a day or two.

I look forward to getting back in the blogging groove; I've missed it.

And because it's no fun to post without sharing a picture, I give you my former manager (in green) and her team. Of course, when she posted the pic, I felt left out (I left them and moved to a new role in April), so I decided to remind her of two missing - albeit, very important - team members.

She got a huge kick out of it. :D
I aim to please.

See you around!